Is there a way to protect my trademark?
Many people misunderstand the process of trademark protection. Trademark actually is tied into the use of a mark to sell an item of goods or services. A common law trademark arises actually the minute you sell any sort of an item or service associated with a particular mark. The trademark arises automatically.
What most people think about as trademark is the federal registration of that trademark, which is a process you take by filing an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. That’s an extra step in protection. It’s not necessary to sell your item, but if you ever need to file in a court or send a cease and desist letter to someone who’s using or interfering with your brand, the first requirement is that your mark be registered with the Patent and Trademark Office. That process must be pursued of you want to protect your mark, but it’s not, strictly speaking, necessary in all cases.
We understand how important your trademark is to you and want to assist you in protecting it to the best of our ability. The process of creating a trademark takes a lot of time, money, and effort so it is in your best interest to contact an experienced trademark attorney to make sure you are able to protect your property.
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