USPTO Aims to Improve Accuracy of Trademark Register
When individuals want to register a trademark, one of the first things they often do is to take a look at the USPTO’s Trademark Register to see if anyone else has already protected their idea. Owners of intellectual property rely on the register to make they don’t get involved in conflicts with owners of other registered trademarks. After careful analysis by the Post Registration Proof of Use Pilot, it was found that there were several holes in the system. In fact, more than half of the registrations maintained include “at least some goods or services for which the registered mark is not actually being used,” according to Chief Administrative Trademark Judge Gerard F. Rogers. Now, changes will be made to improve the Register. The rules are being revised that will allow an individual or company to seek cancellation of registrations that were never in use or are no longer in use. These streamlined proceedings are still under review and the USPTO is working to make sure the Trademark Register is as accurate as possible to protect the future of trademarks and allow parties to use them properly.
If you need assistance with registering a trademark, contact our firm today.
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