Do I Need an Attorney to Register a Trademark in New Jersey?

Do I Need an Attorney to Register a Trademark in New Jersey?

When it comes to filing for a trademark, many people wonder whether they need the help of an intellectual property attorney. Read on to learn more.

What is a Trademark?

Essentially, a trademark is a name, word, sound, symbol, or device used to distinguish the product of one seller from the goods of another. A trademark is used to ensure that a consumer does not confuse one brand for another. For example, when you see a symbol and immediately recognize it as belonging to a certain brand, this is a result of trademarks. Trademarks also ensure that no one else can use your symbol without permission.

What is the Trademark Process?

Trademark protection is crucial to businesses that depend upon an identifying aspect to distinguish their goods from another’s. Trademark protection takes some effort to achieve. Most people go through the same process once they have prepared a trademark application, but in order to satisfy the legal standards of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, it is best to have quality legal support.

Am I Required to Hire a U.S.-Licensed Attorney to Represent me at the USPTO?

When it comes to the United States Patent and Trademark Offices (USPTO), the need for an attorney depends on various factors. According to, if you are a foreign-domiciled trademark applicant, registrant, or party to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board proceedings, you will need to be represented by a U.S.-licensed attorney. On the other hand, if you are a  trademark applicant, registrant, or party domiciled in the United States or its territories, you do not need to be represented by an attorney. That being said, the process is complicated, and it is highly recommended that you retain the help of a skilled and knowledgeable U.S.-licensed trademark attorney.

How Can a Trademark Attorney Help Me?

An experienced trademark attorney can:

  • Attorneys can provide crucial legal advice
  • Attorneys can conduct trademark clearance searches
  • Attorneys can help you enforce and maintain your trademark rights
  • Attorneys can represent you at the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

If you are interested in filing a trademark, our firm is here to help. Reach out today to speak with an experienced attorney.

Contact our Firm 

The Law Offices of Richard E. Novak, LLC has over 25 years of experience helping clients through tough times when they need it most. If you need assistance with any intellectual property, traffic violations, or business law matters, our firm is here to help. It is critical that you pick the right attorney who can protect your rights. Contact The Law Offices of Richard E. Novak, LLC for a consultation.